Use the links below to view our various webinars.
Health Needs Assessment
Link for our Webinar entitled Health Needs Assessment, we’ve received some excellent feedback. This Webinar was presented by Christina Butterworth, FOHN COO. A recording of the Webinar can be accessed via this link:
Undertaking Quality Health Surveillance
We are sorry that you were unable to join us on the day however a recording of the Webinar can be viewed here:
Working Lungs
Link for our Webinar, The Working Lungs. This Webinar was presented by David is a Consultant NHS Respiratory Physician in Sheffield with a major clinical and research interest in occupational lung disease. He is also the Co-Director of the Centre for Workplace Health, the Chief Medical Adviser for HSE and also for HSE Northern Ireland. He is also a qualified diving physician. A recording of the Webinar can be viewed here: